
地震について 内村鑑三

「わたしは、もう一度、地だけではなく、天も揺り動かす。」(新約聖書 ヘブル12:26)

The earthquake is a physical phenomenon attending the ever contacting earth; and as such, it will come regardless of goodness or badness of mankind that dwells upon the earth. It is therefore scientifically true that "we have not here an abiding city." The earth is shaking, and with it every thing that stands or lives upon it.

But there is "a kingdom that cannot be shaked," a kingdom that is not of the shaking earth. We can be the citizens of the unshaking kingdom, while living upon the shaking earth, and can remain even after the earth itself will be wiped out of existence.

May we so live that we are not afraid earthquakes, ever singing,
     " In the cross of Christ I glory,
      Towering o'er the wrecks of Time."




荒れはつる世に 高く聳ゆる
主の十字架にこそ 我は誇らめ



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